Entrepreneurship is larger than ever, and you should focus on the things that matter the most for your business. Photography has become the most universal language in the world, that’s why you need to invest in high quality images if you want to give your business and your products a uniquely strong voice. There are several business blooming out there, but today we’ll focus on a couple of businesses that heavily crave for professional photography, restaurants and hotels.

The Role of Photography in Lodgings

Photography Makes Any Hotel Alluring

No matter if you own a huge hotel or a small and intimate resort, they all have one thing in common, and they need to show themselves in order to make people interested in staying in them. Photography is the perfect tool for making this happen, and at Wei Guang Photography we are aware about it. One doesn’t simply take pictures of interiors and exteriors in order to make architecture good looking. There are several tricks that need to be done in order to make any place shine to its fullest.

Interior Photography

After all these years of working with several clients we’ve noticed that there is a huge difference between photographing the interior of any hotel, resort and even restaurant, and the exterior of them. And just like any other photographic genre, architecture focused photography requires planning and patience. It doesn’t matter if you own a small and cozy space or a huge venue, we can make any interior look extremely beautiful and bright.

Exterior Photography

The great thing about photographing a building or structure, is that light is always a challenge, and we do love challenges indeed. One of the biggest challenges there exist in the world of photography is to make a building look nice and sharp, and even when it sounds easy, it is not. Tall buildings tend to converge at the top, and that looks pretty odd and weird in a photograph. We have invested in state of the art lenses that help us into making buildings look as perfect as their architects conceived them in their minds.

Photography Makes Any Bed and Breakfast Cozy and Friendly

With the rise of homes used as bed and breakfasts solutions thanks to the gig economy, there are several persons offering even their own homes as places to stay. These are great for the more practical travelers that want to get closer to the local culture and is looking for a more genuine travelling experience (this literally fits with any millennial out there). If you are offering a place of your own as a handy bed and breakfast option, then you need to make your place shine for good. There are countless options when it comes to BandBs, and if you make your place look “just regular”, you won’t get as many users as you should. Again, professional photography is the way to go.

Any accommodation or lodging needs to have a professional photographer, if you start to see the architecture housing your business or service as a person, you will be able to make it shine in no time. Having a Professional photographer committed to make your businesses look good, is the only way to go.

The Role of Photography in Gastronomy

There is no other business that craves for great looking images than Food. If it doesn’t look good, it will hardly catch hungry fellows out there. From huge restaurants to humble (yet tasty) food trucks, any food oriented business needs high quality photographs for their dishes. If you don’t take this in count, your food won’t be able to trigger people’s’ senses prior eating your creations.

Food needs to look amazing in order to make a hungry person interested in them. No matter their size, almost every restaurant out there has great and even secret recipes that make people insanely crazy about them. And the best way to showcase the dishes that make you proudest on the menu, is by showing a passionately crafted photograph of them.

The Importance of Food Styling

There is no chef in the world that will prfioritize looks before taste, said that, there could be extremely tasty creations with soft and even unappealing looks. That’s why food styling is so important for various restaurants and dines. We know that making a dish look good is key for success, and we have invested some years into mastering not just photography, but also food styling (the act of making a dish look good via some fun maneuvers). Every plate is unique, and there are some highly secret tricks that we have mastered for making any dish look extremely tasty and savory.

What about Au Naturel Food Photography?

With the exposure of heavily styled dishes and the rise of organic food, the need for natural looking dishes bursted away in no time. This led to a beautiful trend that we also love to embrace, and is to show food in its purest (and even raw) form, without abandoning the aesthetic and the good looks.

Thanks to our background and passion for the fine arts, we are always thrilled when we need to create food compositions that look extremely appealing for everybody out there. Reducing the amount of heavily produced food styling is a challenge indeed, but if it wasn’t like that, we definitely would be doing something else.

Of course you could try doing the images by yourself, but if you are not experienced in photography or highly passionate about it, they make look bland and will not make your business unique. The purpose of empowering a professional photography service is to reduce diversions in your life and keep focusing on the things that matter for your own business sustainability.

If you are a bold entrepreneur that is insanely in love with your businesses, projects and products, please contact us; we can make your effort look almost exactly as you see them in your dreams. Whatever you do, you need to remember this, hiring a professional photography service is an investment and not an expense.